Lisa is the host of Working Women's Wealth with more than 215 episodes listened to in over 125 countries


The secret to choosing an investment

Trying to choose an investment... Without 100% Confidence it's the right one for you?

The Secret To choosing an investment:

How to Ensure Every Cent You’re Investing will Grow your Wealth and get you closer to Your Financial Freedom

Use the 6 P's of investing to choose the investment that's right for you - not your family, not your friend, not someone else - YOU. From now on, enjoy Stress-Free Investing

“We needed clarity and support in understanding in how we could get the best out of our money.

As a married couple of 24 years, we co-own and run a business together.

Besides providing sufficiently for our long term future, we really wanted to make sure that we had sufficient means and a buffer to navigate challenges, financial curve balls and to be in a position to say yes to business and personal opportunities as and when they arose.

Lisa was amazing. She provided the deep analysis, direction and financial mentorship that we both needed in our personal lives and in our business. She gave us practical examples and tools.

This not only helped us make the shift that we were looking for, it provided us with the buffer we needed when Covid hit - We more than survived. We thrived.

We are extremely grateful for the in-valuable role Lisa has played in our lives and our business.

Melanie k

Owner of a leadership consultancy

Most people's investments could be THREE TIMES BIGGER

The average person retiring after the last 30 years of investing had A THIRD LESS MONEY than the market just because of mistakes THEY made. Here's why...

According to the 2022 Dunbar research

They get scared and sell when the market crashes, losing too much money

They lack the knowledge they need to invest their own money

they try and time the market and end up not being invested when they need to be

If you missed the 10 biggest days of the market (out of 7,304 days or 10 years), your investment would be worth half what it would've been (J.P. Morgan)... and in order to match the returns of someone constantly invested, you'd need to be right in timing the market 82% of the time... and almost no one ever is.


Which maybe doesn’t sound so bad, except when you add the fact that most people have old-fashioned products and investment advisers who charge way too much money

A 1% saving in fees over 20 years results in 20% more money in your pocket...

And here's the problem... the investment industry hides the fees, charging them in a way you need to dig to find...

  • You pay an "admin charge" for the IT and Operations platform you invest on which can be up to 3% fees
  • There is an additional up to 3% difference in the fees of the investments you choose
  • Some investment advisers charge up to 1% extra if you have a retirement or endowment product
  • Financial adviser fees are often actually the lowest of the fees, but some charge initial fees hidden in the investments and some can charge up to half a percent more than others..

It’s NO WONDER people worry about the cost of their trip and is it going to be worth it.

Who would want to take the risk?

With so much potential for your hard-earned money NOT to grow

who wants to bet their savings on investing with so many possible sour endings?

In my first year of working, I met the most wonderful lady... let's call her Shanita for privacy's sake.

Shanita had been left R300,000 by her father 23 years before I met her, and she'd taken the money to an adviser tied to an old insurance company that had invested it for the 23 years.

I calculated that instead of having just over R6 million (which she would have had if she had just invested it in the market over that time period) she had just R691,440... That's R5.3m less or 91.3% less money... JUST BECAUSE OF HIGH FEES AND BAD CHOICES.

What made it worse was that the adviser she had continued to pay each year through her investment fees had NEVER ONCE visited her or reviewed the investment. Not once in 23 years.

I could tell you many more horror stories. But I won't. I'll just say...

It's the reason I'm passionate about teaching people about money... it breaks my heart to see how bad advice and high fees from a company you should have been able to trust destroy wealth.

You can learn it. You have to learn it. It will make ALL the difference to the fun you're able to have in retirement

Going on painting

holidays with your bestie.

Traveling the world

with the love of your life.

spending precious time

with your grandkids.

These are moments you will remember, IF you do the work now to understand investing and learn how to choose the right investment. To do that, we help you understand and follow a step-by-step process rather than listen to the advice of well-meaning friends or blindly trust someone with your hard-earned cash because you don't know what questions to ask.

Investing hundreds of millions of Rands for my clients has enabled me to master the way I teach investing, and I want to give you that recipe for investing!


I can't wait for you to enjoy Peace of Mind knowing you're sorted with my online course

Stress-Free Investing

The step-by-step method to choosing an investment in half an hour even if you've never invested before and don't have a lot of money

Perfect for Busy women with little time to learn & don't know who to TRUST!

Whether you're employed, self-employed, have a side-hustle, inherited money

What will this course do for you?


Enable you to choose the right investment product that meets your unique circumstances - helping you to cut out the noise of what others are doing and know WHY you're choosing the right one for you


Enjoy peace of mind that you're invested correctly, and that your money's working for you without needing to go to investing school (which would eat away at a whole lot more cash!!!)


Know exactly the steps to take to choose the right investment for you - avoiding all those countless google searches and conflicting personal opinions!!!


Secure the best spots for food, parades, and fireworks ahead of time so you don’t have to waste your vacation time trying to plan.


Decrease the effect of crowds by knowing where and how to navigate the parks (perfect for vacationers that have to travel during a typical busy time).


Transform even the worst weather day into a magical memory full of fun surprises.


Know that your dollars are being spent on a vacation that will make memories to last a lifetime.

It's time for you to enjoy peace of mind KNOWING you're doing what you can to live now AND save for the future (even if you still have a way to go) because you are investing what you can in the right way that will grow your hard-earned cash to pay for your future so your kids don't have to

“It has made me feel less afraid and more empowered then ever to choose the life I'd like to create

My husband and I had just turned 40 and decided it was time to get serious about securing our future.

I had always avoided the money talk and found it so overwhelming to think or talk about.

After meeting Lisa we not only changed the way we thought about money but also helped us have a shared vision of how we would like to spend our money and save at the same time.

No more money-related arguments and best of all Lisa is always right there to support and encourage us along the way. It has made me feel less afraid and more empowered then ever to choose the life I'd like to create.

A million times - thank you

Marina G.

Owner of a marketing agency



Module 1: What's this money for?

The two p's that will change your approach to investing

Most people who want to invest make one of two mistakes. They listen to the wrong advice (your friend, neighbour, brother or work colleagues!), or to none at all. In this module, you’ll learn how to apply the cornerstone of investing principles from a Certified Financial Planner who invests hundreds of millions every year.

Even if you’ve invested before, you’ll use our one-of-kind investment assessment to ensure you’re investing in a way that works for you, your unique circumstances and your goals (and not your friend, neighbour, brother or work colleagues!)

At the end of this module you will...

  • Understand how the Purpose and Period of your investment greatly changes the choices you have
  • Know how the different payment types impact what you can invest in
  • Narrow down the choices, focusing on those available for your investment now.

module one

bonus one

Bonus 1: investment basics

the picture guide to simplify the jargon investment people use

There are hundreds of different types of investments to choose from, and thousands of companies that provide them! That means that you want to know exactly which ones apply to your needs without wasting time. The problem is, it sounds like a different language!!! I’ll show you a simplified way to understand them all, including a list of questions to ask when someone mentions an investment you don't yet know about.

Module 2: maximising success

protecting your investments from the biggest money destroyer

The research shows again and again that there is one factor that wipes out more money from people's investments than any other. YOU. Investors destroy more of their investment growth than anything else. And it's the reason for an entire industry of research called Behavioural Finance - they study why humans don't act the way a spreadsheet says we should, and how to change that to set yourself up for success. It could lead to have almost 3x more money

In this module, you’ll learn how to avoid the common mistakes most people make and set yourself up for success. We'll also leverage the latest research to make sure you you have the most recent strategies for overcoming the most common pitfalls

At the end of this module you will...

  • Become mindful of the behaviour that destroys wealth and how to recognise it
  • Understand your risk profile through a 25 question risk profile analysis and how that changes the investment choices you make
  • Build your wall of protection for your investments

module TWO

bonus TWO

Bonus 2: spread your risk

a new understanding of the least understood tool for success

If any one of us knew exactly what the future would hold, we'd be gajillionaires… but we don't. If you do, come tell me!

No one predicted Corona, no one predicted the impact tweets could make on markets, and no one predicted the fallout from Russia and Ukraine - events which rock the world markets despite living far away...

So how do you protect yourself from something you can't predict?????

Diversification. Yip, big word, like marmalade… but I'll make it super simple to understand. At the end of this little nifty bonus, you'll know exactly why it's one of the best ways to protect your long term investments.


Know exactly which investment will work for you and get it!

For those that are brave enough to invest, three of the biggest mistakes people make are:

  • They choose the wrong investment for the purpose of the money
  • They choose the wrong product (such as a retirement fund vs a tax-free investment)
  • They choose the wrong investment platform and pay investment destroying fees

Based on the work in module 1 or 2, we'll narrow down those choices so you don't have to and explain the WHY behind the choice you're making so you feel confident to invest

At the end of this module you will...

Feel confident in which investments will suit YOUR needs and why

  • We’ll even give you recommended investments so you cut down the anxiety of making the wrong choice
  • Come away with simplified options for exactly which investments you should consider

module THREE

bonus THREE

Bonus 3: Take action

A live walk through opening an investment account

Most people think opening an investment account is unbelievably difficult. Many times it is.

But you'll watch me open one - and regardless of which one you choose, just doing it with me step by step will show you the commonalities between them all.

It's truly straight forward if you have someone to guide you!


I can't wait for you to enjoy Peace of Mind knowing your investments are sorted with my online course

Stress-Free Investing

The step-by-step method to choosing an investment in half an hour even if you've never invested before and don't have a lot of money

6 Modules of live teaching

downloadable workbook

facebook group with Lisa Access

professional financial risk assessment









BONUS investment basics

BONUS spread your risk



Bonus - Investment Basics Course R450

BONUS - Spread Your Risk course R850

Total Value = 13,687

Regular Price = 2900

Today’s Price = R370

Jane Awesome

Owner of (Business Here)

“A really strong testimonial that confirms the transformation that is waiting for them.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam et dui congue, congue urna in, sollicitudin est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Our Money back Promise

If you take this course, and you're unable to choose your next investment, you deserve your money back.

If you stay stuck because the 6 Step Process doesn't work for you, we will issue you a refund - no matter how long ago you bought!

Simply send us an email at and we’ll happily give you your money back!

Your money back guarantee!

Make it Count

Many people can only afford to go to Disney once every couple of years, so you’ll want to

Plus, unless you’re accustomed to planning this type of trip, there’s a lot you don’t know that you don’t know. By the time you get there, it’s too late!

All of the best restaurants and rides will be booked, and your choices will be either to wait in super long lines, or miss the experience altogether. #sadface

The small investment in Once Upon A Day will ensure you’re not going to miss anything you truly want to do!

It's a great big beautiful vacation

Let’s Sprinkle Some Pixie Dust On Your Next Vacation With Our New Course

Once Upon A Magical Day

Enjoy a memorable, stress free trip you’ll be talking about for years to come with the ‘Mickey Tested’,

step-by-step planning system for families that want to make the most of their vacation.

Main Offering Example One

Main Offering Example Two

Main Offering Example Three

Main Offering Example Four

Main Offering Example Five






Main Offering Example One $997

Main Offering Example Two $197

Main Offering Example Three $2997

Main Offering Example Four $97

Main Offering Example Five $297

BONUS Offering Example ONE

BONUS Offering Example Two



BONUS Offering Example ONE $997

BONUS Offering Example Two $197

Total Value = $$$$$

Regular Price = $$$$

Today’s Price = $$$

Have any questions?

We’ve tried other theme parks and it’s always a disaster.

How will Disney be different?

One of the great things about Disney World is that it isn’t like ANY theme park you’ve ever been to. Whereas most parks are fully outdoors with boring queues, Disney is more than 50% indoor experiences with interactive queues. That means there will be PLENTY of time to escape heat and crowds, plus with our strategies, you’ll be able to avoid waiting in lines. These are the biggest factors for epic meltdowns.

As professional Disney goers, we know every amateur mistake you can make (we’ve made them!) and have easy to deploy quick tips that ensure you make it back to your hotel with a happy tired kid and not a mini Cruella de Vil.

Jane Awesome

Owner of (Business Here)

“A really strong testimonial that confirms the transformation that is waiting for them.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget nisl blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Sed egestas leo nulla, eget ultricies ex finibus ac. Nullam et dui congue, congue urna in, sollicitudin est. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Are you ready to dive in?

Now or Never.

When people tell me "I'm so lucky" to be financially free... I just smile half-heartedly.

I remember the time I convinced my sister and her family to take a last-minute trip to Disney. We literally planned the vacation in three days, and at the time - it seemed so crazy.

Four weeks later, the pandemic hit, and Disney World closed for months. And when it reopened, many of the experiences were still closed.

he looks back on that trip and regularly reminds me how thankful she is that she just did it, not knowing what the future held. Even with so little time to plan, she had an incredible vacation that her kids STILL talk about to this day.

Your kids aren’t getting younger, time isn’t going to slow down, there’s always going to be a reason to delay something like a Disney vacation. Take it from me. Don’t.

Seize the moment and have the confidence that with Once Upon a Magical Day, we’ll be here to make sure your moment is as amazing as it can be.

Lisa xx


I can't wait for you to enjoy Peace of Mind knowing your investments are sorted with my online course

Stress-Free Investing

The step-by-step method to choosing an investment in half an hour even if you've never invested before and don't have a lot of money

6 Modules of live teaching

downloadable workbook

private facebook group

professional financial risk assessment





Main Offering Example One $997

Main Offering Example Two $197

Main Offering Example Three $2997

Main Offering Example Four $97

Main Offering Example Five $297

BONUS investment basics

BONUS spread your risk



BONUS Offering Example ONE $997

BONUS Offering Example Two $197

Total Value = 13,687

Regular Price = 2900

Today’s Price = R950

Copyright 2021- Southern Pride Wealth (PTY) Ltd- All Rights Reserved - Dennis Shepstone Drive, Hilton, Kwazulu-natal, 3245, South Africa