get rid of the money stress with Step-by-step teaching

How to Manage your Money so you have enough to live life now AND save for the future.

Do you KNOW how much you need to have enough to stop working?

Download the FREE How Much is Enough? worksheet and video and find out your number with just FOUR easy questions

Life is too short to struggle with money

If you experience any of these, you're in the right place...

Being held back by a budget is boring

Whether you have no idea what you spend in a month, or you've done a budget (or two or three or four) but it's impossible to stick to, there IS a better way.

Unexpected costs blow your plan

You may know where your money needs to go, but your plan keeps getting derailed by expensive months, or unexpected things that come up because Life Happens!!! Medical bills, the car, the kids... ALL.THE.TIME

Just affording today is tough... save for the future? Never

With the cost of living rising all the time, life seems to be an either / or. Either you just squeeze into today's expenses, or you save for the future and keep dropping the balls. Either you enjoy life now OR you enjoy life later. To live life now AND save for the future... that's impossible.

The worry you may never be free of money stress

Whilst it seems others are living their best life, it feels like no matter how hard you work, you never seem to be able to spend it on things you enjoy... never feel in control of basic costs.

Imagine what life will be like with Stress-Free Money!

three steps to

ending money Stress for Good!


choose how you want to work with me

I have three ways of working. You choose!

  • DIY - I can help you build your step-by step plan at your own pace through an online or in person course

  • Done for you - I can do the work, build you a stand-alone plan (you can also choose a full service and I manage your investments)

  • Coaching - if you're stuck and need some help moving forward, we can hop online for a financial coaching session. It's that easy.

We can hop on a quick discovery call if you're unsure which will work best for your needs.


follow the step-by-step plan

Money doesn't need to be complicated. In fact, it really is easy. The secret lies in following your step by step plan. We call it having a SMART Financial Plan (you know, Specific, Measurable etc. etc.)

The good news, is once you have your money system in place, you don't really need to think about it all that much.


enjoy stress-free money

As you automate, protect and grow your money, your money-life will become less stressful as you enjoy peace of mind. There's no quick fix, but when you implement the Stress-Free Money system, you'll be able to rest knowing your money's taken care of.

Melanie K.

Owner of a Leadership Consultancy

β€œWe needed clarity and support in understanding how we could get the best out of our money.”

As a married couple of 24 years, we co-own and run a business together.

Besides providing sufficiently for our long term future, we really wanted to make sure that we had sufficient means and a buffer to navigate challenges, financial curve balls and to be in a position to say yes to business and personal opportunities as and when they arose.

Lisa was amazing. She provided the deep analysis, direction and financial mentorship that we both needed in our personal lives and in our business. She gave us practical examples and tools.

This not only helped us make the shift that we were looking for, it provided us with the buffer we needed when Covid hit - We more than survived. We thrived.

We are extremely grateful for the in-valuable role Lisa has played in our lives and our business.

Not ready to work with me yet but want to still learn?

Grow your knowledge, Grow your wealth

Over 250 episodes to help you change your money

Working Women's Wealth


With hundred's of episodes added to monthly, we tackle the challenges and celebrate the joys of our faith, our family, our wealth and our own personal growth as we journey to fulfil the unique purpose God has for us to serve our families, our communities and most of all, Him.

Regardless of your challenge there are

Free Downloads for your next step


In every section of LEARN there's a freebie that you can download to help you take your next step to make the change you want in your life - whether it's knowing how much money you need to stop work, or what your next step on your money should be.

Get my book Deep Grooves

Overcoming Patterns that Keep you Stuck


It's been proven our behaviour destroys 2/3rds of the money we could have at retirement - and so it's crucial we change the way we think. It's so crucial, I wrote a book about how to overcome patterns that keep you stuck.


Marina G Lose the Fear

β€œIt has made me feel
less afraid and more empowered than ever to choose the life I'd like to create.”


Copyright 2023- Southern Pride Wealth (PTY) Ltd- All Rights Reserved - Dennis Shepstone Drive, Hilton, Kwazulu-natal, 3245, South Africa