What's currently Worrying you about your money?

Choose the area you're most interested in fixing... and if you don't know where to start, I'd recommend EVERYONE starts with Organising your money & Money Mindset- they're the building block of all financial wealth

Each topic will have links to the top free podcasts on that topic (so you don't have to wade through the hundreds), a freebie (to help you start nailing it) and a course (where there's one available at the moment).

What you do with your money

How you get your money

Family Money

How you think about money - the foundation of everything

Money Mindset

How you think determines how you behave with your money. 90% of money is behaviour

Free Download

Workbook to do the thinking

Videos to take you step by step


How to change old patterns that keep you stuck

why more willpower won't make you change

how to shift subconscious thinking

The latest brain science

Ever wondered how you can KNOW what you need to do... but still can't seem to do it on a regular basis?

Whether it's your health, your work, your relationships or your wealth... Join me for the step-by-step process that will help shift your thinking, find YOUR path, build resilience, and give you the tools to achieve your goals.

There is NO such thing as a quick fix.   But, there are ways to change your path for good.  I will introduce you to some of the greatest thinkers on habits, change, goals, resilience, brain science, Hope Theory and mindset.    I'll show you how to use the frameworks I've written about in my book Deep Grooves to step change your life .  A proven, practical approach.

I believe to strongly that changing your thinking is the first step to changing your money that I even wrote a book about it... Deep Grooves: Overcoming patterns that keep you stuck... which you can get here. All these podcasts, and the course are based on the content of that book.

Top Podcasts

Ep. 232 - you can have anything you want (Worth It)

Ep. 26 The assumptions we make about money

Ep. 212 - The myth men believe and women perpetuate

Ep 172 - The brain hack you can use to grow your wealth on autopilot

Ep. 231 - How Morningstar’s Mental Time Horizon can help you grow your wealth

Ep. 240 - Four steps to changing your money that will change your life


Ep. 222 - But i've always been bad at money

Ep. 28 - asking for what you're worth

Ep. 147 the powerful insight of your bank statement & calendar

Ep. 201 - Hard Choices, Easy life. Easy Choices, hard life

Ep. 216 - the 5 a's to stop the money worry

Start by Organising Your Money

Tracking, budgeting & automating your monthly money

Free Download

Three types -

"Paper Tracker", Easy Budget, Detailed Budget

Videos to take you step by step


Why you need an Automated (stress-free) system

Planning Stress Free: From here (now) to There

How the stress-free system works

the monthly money hour that keeps you on track

What if you NEVER had to stress about running out of money?

You absolutely can have Stress-Free Money. It takes a "moment" to set up relative to a life time of ease and no money worries. And then, with just an hour per month to Track and Bank, you truly can keep your money sorted!

You can also listen to free podcasts on my podcast Christian, Women & Wealth

Top Podcasts

Ep. 247 why budgets don't work and what does

Ep. 222 but i've always been bad at money

Ep. 119 The little known, easily fixable reason most people aren’t financially free

Ep. 191 Why everyone needs an emergency fund

Ep. 190 The F*CK it fund

Ep. 91 The human way to manage your monthly expenses

Ep. 234 How to close the gap between budget and reality

(Expense Smoother)

Ep. 202 Save for Tomorrow, tomorrow

Ep. 207 How do I get my money under control?

Investing Your Money

how to choose an investment, tax and Retirement planning

Free Download

A free download that takes you through the six steps you need to take to invest your money wisely

Understand the Do's and Don'ts of investing

The checklist of the basics before investing

Tips to increase your chances of wealth

Notes on Diversifying your investments


A course on how to choose what you invest in

Investment Basics

What's this Money For? Purpose and Period

Maximising success - Protection

Spreading your Risk


Trying to choose an investment without 100% confidence it's the right one for you? Who would want to take the risk?

Now that leads to stress, which more often than not means you DO NOTHING. And miss out on your money growing while you sleep. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your investments are SORTED with my step-by-step 6 Ps of Investing method to choosing an investment in half an hour even if you've never invested before and don't have alot of money

Top Podcasts

Ep. 163 How to recognise a financial investment that may lead to loss

Ep. 195 Why you should invest offshore

Ep. 183 The mistake most people make when investing

Ep. 181 Understanding the different types of investments (or assets)

Ep. 180 The four foundations of investing

Ep. 179 Should I invest in funds or shares?

Ep. 13 Active vs passive investing with nikki giles

Ep. 16 how to choose a unit trust (mutual fund)

Ep. 182 The decision tree you need to choose your investment

Ep. 173 Investing tax free!

Ep. 213 - How the investment industry hides fees

Ep. 210 Optimising tax on your investments

Ep. 238 Why your home is NOT an investment

Ep. 46 - investing vs paying off debt

Ep. 124 what you need to do when markets crash

On track to Retire

How much is enough? what should you be saving monthly? Planning your retirement

Free Download

A free download that tells you how much you need to retire

With just FOUR numbers, Calculate how much you need to stop work

Calculate how much you'll have given what you're currently saving

Calculate what more you need to invest to get there

Videos to take you step by step


A course on how to choose what you invest in

Investment Basics

What's this Money For? Purpose and Period

Maximising success - Protection

Spreading your Risk


How much do YOU need to live the retirement you deserve?

Well, that depends. What's your vision for retirement? Will you still be earning an income from a side hustle you like?

And are you on track to have that retirement? What would you need to be investing from now to make sure that you would be on track? How have others successfully changed the direction of their retirement savings while still being able to "live now"?

These and many questions are explored in this Retirement section

Top Podcasts

Ep. 214 – How much is Enough to Stop Work?

Ep. 161 Is it too late for me to save for retirement?

Ep. 157 The little secret to wealth with BIG consequences

Ep. 44 living your future now

Ep. 123 How much should you have saved by now?

Ep. 198 Here’s how to set yourself up for financial success – The Five P's

Ep. 111 The little known secret to living now AND saving for the future

Ep. 103 Change your life by thinking deeply about this

Ep. 101 can we really live our best life?

Ep. 97 - 94% of people will suffer this... here's how to prevent it

Ep. 69 Do you deserve to retire well?

Ep. 67 Financially Independent Retire Early (F.I.R.E.). Sound good? Here’s how

Protecting Your Money

disability, illness & Life insurance... wills, trusts & death

Free Download

A free download that Takes you through the practical steps at death (for those needing to sort the money out)


A course on how to choose what you invest in

Investment Basics

What's this Money For? Purpose and Period

Maximising success - Protection

Spreading your Risk


How do you protect the life you've worked so hard to achieve from Catastrophe?

When it comes to protecting your ability to keep providing an income for yourself and your family, you need disability and critical illness.

When it comes to providing for your family at the same level of lifestyle as you have to now, you need life insurance and a clear will that enables them to keep living despite losing you

Top Podcasts

Ep. 204 Most common mistakes of a will and how to avoid them

Ep.155 What you need to know about wills

Ep. 205 the structure of a good will

Ep. 220 The money conversation with your parents you have to have

Ep. 233 Money after death

Ep. 158 What happens to your money when you die

Ep. 219 don't make this mistake with your life insurance

Ep. 160 Protecting your monthly income when you can't work

Ep. 6 Protecting the life you've worked so hard to achieve

Getting out of Debt

cars, homes - getting out of short term debt

Free Download

A free download that Takes you through the 6 Steps to getting out of Debt... and Staying out!

Includes Additional Audios so you can learn more

Free Download

A PDF Worksheet to help you track your debt and implement the snowball method

Calculate what you're spending on debt each month

How would it change your life to NEVER have to stress about Debt any more?

It's so frustrating to keep paying for your past - things you used or enjoyed so long ago. And it's heartbreaking to know how much money goes to interest - paying for the bankers to sit on the beach. Let's not talk about the stress of trying to squeeze the payments on top of the cost of food, medical and kids. And those people who keep calling and messaging to get you to pay.... it's soooooo stressful.

Become Debt Free for Life!

Top Podcasts

Ep.166 the road to poor

Part 1: getting out of debt

Ep. 167 Removing the roots

Part 2: Getting out of debt

Ep. 235 Six Steps to getting out of debt... forever

EP. 169 the controversial advice i give people in debt

EP. 218 Your car’s costing you R8,6m – here’s how…

Ep. 46 Investing vs. paying off debt

Ep 159 how to remove holiday debt

Ep. 207 How do I get my money under control?

Ep. 115 three steps to getting out of financial stress

Change - Personal Growth

Changing the thinking and habits that keep you stuck in deep grooves personally & professionally

Buy the book

Get Lisa's book Deep Grooves:

overcoming patterns that keep you stuck

Learn in detail how to change old patterns


How to change old patterns that keep you stuck

why more willpower won't make you change

how to shift subconscious thinking

The latest brain science

Ever wondered how you can KNOW what you need to do... but still can't seem to do it on a regular basis?

Whether it's your health, your work, your relationships or your wealth... Join me for the step-by-step process that will help shift your thinking, find YOUR path, build resilience, and give you the tools to achieve your goals.

There is NO such thing as a quick fix.   But, there are ways to change your path for good.  I will introduce you to some of the greatest thinkers on habits, change, goals, resilience, brain science, Hope Theory and mindset.    I'll show you how to use the frameworks I've written about in my book Deep Grooves to step change your life .  A proven, practical approach.

I believe to strongly that changing your thinking is the first step to changing your money that I even wrote a book about it... Deep Grooves: Overcoming patterns that keep you stuck... which you can get here. All these podcasts, and the course are based on the content of that book.

Top Podcasts