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working women's wealth

157 The little secret to wealth with BIG consequences

157 The little secret to wealth with BIG consequences

November 04, 20202 min read


Feeling a bit reluctant to get out of your comfort zone in your quest for financial freedom? Using this secret to wealth, you may not have to dangle much more than a foot over the edge of your couch.

I believe your financial freedom depends on the way you think about money, and how that thinking determines your actions or behaviour.  In today’s episode, I’ll show you how to use your brain’s penchant for safety and familiarity to your advantage. This little secret to wealth has BIG consequences.

Show Notes

  • [01.32] Status Quo (otherwise known as your ‘comfort zone’) and the brain.

  • [02.51] How Status Quo affects your money.

  • [04.27] How to use Status Quo to your advantage.

  • [06.10] Squishing your expenses to make room for the 10%.

  • [10.02] The What, How, and Where of Automatic investing.

  • [11.29] Making sure you increase the amount each year.

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    “I believe your financial freedom depends on the way you think about money, and how that thinking determines your actions or behaviour.” – Lisa Linfield

    “It’s truly an unbelievable phenomenon of life, that the more we earn, the more we increase our expense base.” – Lisa Linfield

    “instead of being negatively impacted by decision inertia, or our natural tendencies to stay the same, we use it positively.” – Lisa Linfield

Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastbusiness ownercomfort zonemindful moneyfinancial freedomdirect debitdecision interiorretirementadvanced savingssavingsinvesting
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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