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161 Is it too late for me to save for retirement?

December 02, 20202 min read


Let's be honest, there aren't many of us who have saved 20% of our income from the day we started working. Which leads us to question whether we can save for retirement starting now... 

So what do we do?  Do we still have a chance of being financially free in our retirement?  

The answer is it's absolutely possible - and I give you the formula for retiring in 5, 10, 15 and 20 years time... and the secret number you need to know that will help you understand how to make those changes.

Show Notes

  • [01.51] The number you need to store in your head to save for retirement.

  • [04.02] A great indication of the fact that it is totally possible to reach your goal, and save for retirement.

  • [09.53] The recipe to get back on track and save for retirement.

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"Over time, when you invest your money well, it has the power to become an automatic money generator that keeps generating more and more income while you sleep." - Lisa Linfield

"It's totally doable to get your retirement savings back on track at any stage." - Lisa Linfield

Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastBusiness Ownerretirementinvestingsavings
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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