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233 Money after death

233 Money after death

December 07, 20222 min read


Have you recently lost a loved one, or been called to help out?

Loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things that anyone could ever go through but it is made worse because of the admin, and financial impact of frozen bank accounts and loss of income. In today’s episode I’m going to take you through the whole process – what happens when someone passes away, and the immediate priorities that need to get done as soon as is possible.

If you (or a friend) are in need of this information, I’m truly sorry that you’ve found yourself in this position. The most important thing, is to take it one step at a time…

Show notes:

  • [03.51] Money and the main steps that happen once a person dies

  • [07.33] The three entities in the process

  • [08.45] The major things that impact the duration of the process

  • [10.36] The way you are married

  • [11.58] Debts and obligations

  • [12.57] Beneficiaries of a will

  • [14.03] The role of the executor

  • [16.47] If you’ve been brought in to help out after someone has passed…

  • [20.09] Taxes and costs at death


“What generally tends to happy, is that those who are trying to sort out the admin, go too quickly in the beginning (that first week), and then too slowly afterwards. And then things start to become a challenge.” – Lisa Linfield

“Focus just one step at a time.” – Lisa Linfield

“It’s a long journey. It can take anywhere between one and five years, but it can only go the pace it goes.” – Lisa Linfield

“As soon as anybody finds out about the death of a person, the estate is frozen. So all bank accounts and legal obligations cease.” – Lisa Linfield

“The governing principle (which is really important to understand) is that a deceased person cannot be party to a contract.” – Lisa Linfield

“Make sure you let the people you know and love, know where your will is stored.” – Lisa Linfield

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Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastdeathwilllast will and testamentexecutorestatewinding up estate
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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