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153 How to make money with what you know

153 How to make money with what you know

October 07, 20203 min read


Would you like to leave a legacy of a body of work in a subject you know A LOT about? First prize if you could also monetise it right? It turns out that there are ways to make money with what you know.

You have a lifetime of experience doing what you do best, and whilst that may come naturally to you, it actually doesn’t come easily to everyone. That’s where the Magic of YOU comes in!

Okay, so you know which topic you’d like to monetise, you just have no idea what and how you’d even start doing that. In today’s episode I’ll take you through the process I’d recommend to make money with what you know.

Show Notes

  • [00.41] The Magic of YOU! What may come naturally to you, doesn’t necessarily come easily to someone else.

  • [02.28] A process for moving towards monetising what you know:

    • 1.  Throw all your ideas on one place

    • 2.  Group and organise your thoughts

    • 3.  Expand your thinking through research

    • 4.  Build a body of content

    • 5. Integrate your thinking to begin monetising it

    • 6.  Start all over again

  • [15.32] The aim of sharing your knowledge.

  • [16.55] The two most important questions to never lose sight of.

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    “But the most important thing is to make sure that come rain or shine you produce something on a regular, consistent basis.” – Lisa Linfield

    “Then I realised that what was tripping people up was the way they were thinking about their money – how they earned it, how they spent it, and how they saved (or didn’t in most cases).” – Lisa Linfield

    “If making money quickly is your end goal, then I fear that monetising your knowledge may not be for you.” – Lisa Linfield

    “They’ll only pay if they perceive the value of their transformation is worth it.” – Lisa Linfield

    “No longer is being a master of your craft sufficient – our world has changed where the content is taken as a given, but how you communicate is what will get you on people’s radars.” – Lisa Linfield

    “It’s a life journey of a legacy of an incredible body of work that you will leave this world” – Lisa Linfield

Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastBusiness Ownerentrepreneurshipmake money with what you knowmanaging moneymindful moneyside hustlesuperpowerthe magic of you
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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