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84 The secret to a happy career with Tammy Gooler Loeb

84 The secret to a happy career with Tammy Gooler Loeb

June 12, 20192 min read


“I just want to be HAPPY in my job!”, “I’m too OLD to change careers now”, or “I don’t know how to be promoted!” I hear this all the time! Career satisfaction is different for everyone. But it all stems from one core principle - PURPOSE.

I chat with Tammy Gooler Loeb, a professional coach and podcast presenter of “Work from the Inside Out”, showcasing stories of career transitions and job changes that work. Tammy has been engaging with her clients to clarify their goals, develop personalized plans and support them in achieving rewarding results.

We explore our thoughts of job stagnation, ageism, corporate ladders, personal branding and career fulfilment among many other fascinating topics to live YOUR best life!

Show notes

  • Can someone actively manage their career to the top?

  • Why do people find themselves stagnating in their career?

  • What if you are not sure what you want to do?

  • How do you actively transition from one career to another?

  • Why do we find it so difficult to ask for professional help?

  • We are witnessing rapid company re-organisation of structures and skills to stay relevant.

  • The structure of the corporate ladder has drastically changed from traditional trajectories.

  • Our set of expectations are being met with unexpected life changes.

  • Psychologists help you look backward while coaches help you look forward.

  • Strategizing your career path by proactively exploring trends in your market and field of work.

  • Organisations don’t make decisions. People make decisions.

  • NETWORKING is more than shaking hands and swapping business cards.

  • Leveraging relationships (old and new). Be interested and not interesting!

  • Developing your personal brand. Word-of-mouth is the strongest advocate.

  • Expose yourself to the board of other companies allowing you to polish your depth and breadth of expertise.

  • A good coach will provoke you to look expansively!

  • And most importantly, don’t “should” all over yourself!

Learn more about Tammy

Check out Tammy’s website, Facebook page and podcast. You’re welcome!

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Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastBusiness OwnerEntrepreneurTammy Goeler Loebcareercareer transitionnetworking
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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