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144 No way home with Julia Kerr Henkel

144 No way home with Julia Kerr Henkel

August 05, 20203 min read


Remember that game where you had to pick an object to bring with you if you were to be stranded on a deserted island? With no way home, and in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, Julia Kerr Henkel picked resilience.

In a story that plays out like a movie, Julia shares her experience of getting stuck in Bali with no way home, and what she learnt about how adversity can lead to a deeper understanding of vulnerability, courage and resilience.

In case you needed a reminder today – you too can do hard things!

Show notes:

  • [02.42] How Julia found herself in Bali during a worldwide pandemic.

  • [05.44] The view of a traveler arriving in another country as the world started to lockdown.

  • [08.36] A spiritual retreat - the calm before the storm.

  • [10.38] Lessons in vulnerability (for a Type A personality).

  • [17.39] A succession of rock bottoms and the realisation that no one was coming.

  • [26.32] 130 people stuck and still no way home.

  • [32.23] Finding a way home.

  • [33.52] Lessons in adversity.

  • [37.01] Lessons in resilience.

  • [38.59] What it means to be brave.

  • [40.56] Home, some big adjustments, and making meaning of adversity.


“Ever since I decided to really investigate these topics of courage, vulnerability, authenticity, I get launched into a number of life circumstances which really get me to access those topics.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“At the time it felt like we were going on this big adventure." – Julia Kerr Henkel

“When the ability to plan and predict is removed from you, you find yourself in the very heart of the definition of vulnerability.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“Vulnerability is that emotion we all experience during times of uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. It’s when we can’t control and predict the outcome but we still have to keep showing up with courage and presence.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“Then you realise that something else is wanting to unfold here.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“I think what it taught me, was to move at the pace of guidance.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“This is what surrender looks like.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“What’s really essential?” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“If you collect all those little things up like shells off a beach, you will fuel resilience.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

“You have to keep looking after yourself." – Julia Kerr Henkel

“I just stalk out joy, like my cat stalks out birds in the garden.” – Julia Kerr Henkel

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Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastJulia Kerr Henkel
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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