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236 Is tech enabled hybrid working here to stay? With Kamales Lardi

236 Is tech enabled hybrid working here to stay? With Kamales Lardi

February 01, 20232 min read


Do you LOVE working from home, but now your boss wants you back in the office? Or are you on the other end of the spectrum, leading a team of people who don’t want to go back to the way it used to be?

Is tech-enabled hybrid working here to stay?

The pandemic resulted in a massive acceleration of digital transformation that radically changed the way we work. Businesses and leaders are now trying to work out where they want this work model to settle.

In this week’s episode one of the top 10 global influencers and thought leaders on digital transformation, Kamales Lardi shares her thoughts on the future of digital business solutions.

Show notes:

[02.35] Why you should care about the human side of digital business transformation

[05.09] Thoughts on the future of hybrid working

[09.02] A new type of leadership

[16.16] Human connection in a tech era

[20.42] Exploring additional sources of income

[24.37] Wealth building for women

[26.55] Taking financial literacy into your own hands

Learn more about Kamales

Connect with Kamales on LinkedIn or Twitter. Her book 'The Human Side of Digital Business Transformation' is available online via Amazon, Barnes & Noble or via her website.

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“We’ve reached an environment today where technology is even triggering the change in our behaviours - the way we do things.” - Kamales Lardi

The elements that can make or break success of technology use – the people element – is often forgotten.” - Kamales Lardi

“Leadership teams, managers, they define what is on the ground reality for many people in the workforce.” – Kamales Lardi

“Technology doesn’t replace the physical contact.” – Kamales Landis

“Just having a mobile device enables you to have access to financial services.” – Kamales Lardi

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Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastKamales Lardihybrid workingwork from home
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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