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206 Giving (and supporting family)

206 Giving (and supporting family)

December 29, 20218 min read


How much of what you earn do you give away? And whilst giving (or tithing) isn't optional, (in the flawed and poverty-stricken world that we live in), many questions arise on the actual logistics of giving.

With a complex topic like giving money, there is no right or wrong answer, there is only personal opinion. In today's episode are the guidelines that I give on the subject.

Most importantly though, it all comes down to the main core principle - the motivation of your heart...

Show Notes

  • [06.23] Principle 1 - Giving isn't optional.

  • [11.20] Principle 2 - Give willingly.

  • [13.27] Principle 3 - Give generously.

  • [13.47] Principle 4 - Give where you feel called to.

  • [15.20] Giving to family.

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"This whole subject of giving money is an unbelievably difficult one, because there is no right or wrong, there's just personal opinion." - Lisa Linfield

"Giving is not optional." - Lisa Linfield

"It's so fundamental to what I believe, it's not even a plus or minus emotion. It's a debit order that goes off every month." - Lisa Linfield (On tithing)

"If you are going to be really angry about giving, don't." - Lisa Linfield


206 – Giving (and supporting family)


Hello everyone…

Happy Christmas… and may God’s peace…

Most wonderful 2 week break… in Cape Town… 100th


Tackle the thorny subject of giving… guidelines I use and use with people I advise… and my opinion on giving


Ivy the toothless wonder…. Missing teeth… no money for dental work so when it’s sore, you pull it out… Walked 2 hours there and back… oysters from the best place in the sea.  Towards the end of our holiday, unable to communicate… pointed to her flapping shoes – the sole had come off the first half…tackies…. She would kill for anything to cover her feet on the 2 hour journey there and back.

Triggered… Park run conversation… used shoes.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure… and living south Africa … Not just here, it’s the world over.  Scrapings of our plates all got saved to feed the dogs and animals…

1.      Principle 1… Giving isn’t optional

Know that seems harsh, but in the world we live in, with people hungry every day, I really don’t think it’s okay not to give something to someone less fortuneate.

It also is a core foundational principle in every religion in the world.  God says


So now that we have the tough part over, the question always comes down to the details.  How much, to whom, and what ‘counts’…


Now, the answer to me always comes down to the most important principle of all – the motivation of your heart.  If you’re giving hating every minute of it, then rather don’t give at all. 


So let’s pause for a moment on the attitude of your heart to giving money to others.

Now, I have to tell you that it’s a minefield out there when it comes to me personally. 

I have NO problem tithing.  I’ve done it since I can remember, and it’s just a part of our budget and life.  I don’t miss that money, I don’t really even think about it… it’s neutral… it’s just what I do.

But this holiday God challenged me… people off the beach.  I’m safe to give from behind a wall… I hate my space being invaded.

And in a place like SA, there is ALWAYS someone asking for something – not because they want to, but because they have to, or they won’t feed their children.

So this principle of giving with a willing heart has challenged me when it comes to the casual giving.

19When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. . 22Remember that you were slaves in Egypt. That is why I command you to do this Deuteronomy

All my change… be prepared… bag of oranges, apples and chips.


So principle 2 is …. Give willingly


So when people start to give money, I always say that you should start by giving what you won’t resent giving.


Which then leads me to the ballpark of ‘how much’.

In my faith – 10%... and it’s FIRST fruits… not what’s left over.  So that means that together with your automatic payments to your investments, the automatic payment of your giving should go off.



But I am challenged by the story of Jesus watching the crowd come into the temple and giving their tithes.  It says “many rich people threw in large amounts.  But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents”.  His response was that she had put more in the treasury than anyone else – because they gave out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.

This challenges me hugely. 


So principle 3 is Give Generously


The last principle is Give where you feel called to

I truly believe each of us is given different concerns… for some, it’s the church, for others it’s orphans, some it’s elderly and others it’s animal shelters.  That’s by design… If every human gave to their passion project, the world would be taken care of. 


Which brings me to the issue of giving to family.


In many homes in the world, and south Africa in particular, the level of poverty or the lack of saving for retirement means that so many people are needing to support family and extended family.

Many times, people ask me ‘does this count’ towards your tithe?

It’s such an interesting question, which not one of us can answer.  Why?  Because it comes down to all of the principles we discussed.  The motivation of your heart, how much do you need to give to ‘give generously’.

One thing I can tell you is that many hearts have changed, especially in resentful spouses, when the money given to family is seen in the mindset of ‘giving back’ or tithing. 

When I look at myself, I don’t have a community of family to support monthly yet.  So I can happily give my tithe to external causes.  But I know of Children supporting parents where over 30% of their salary has to go to them.

Again, I don’t think God’s keeping score, I think he’s watching your heart.



Now here’s where things get good, but sometimes a little murky.

The reason we give is because God tells us to, and the world needs it.

But in every faith there is a sweetener.  Give and you shall receive.

In the Torah and the ancient bible, there is a quote that summarises this

“Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.”


And it’s repeated many times “Be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.”,

And in the first quote

19When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. . 


And this truly has been one of the great wonders I’ve personally experienced myself and with my clients.

The other day… woman about to retire and we were going through her retirement expenses…. Tithe was non-negotiable.

My business… startup, the money just went out….God was pressing on my heart to tithe… stable, pay salaries…

My personal finances – every single cent I have comes from God.  From the minute I tithed, it’s grown.  It doesn’t mean in both there haven’t been tough times, and won’t continue, but in giving money back to God, and trusting that there’s enough left over, I’m acknowledging that he wants my obedience first, and then the blessing comes.


It’s the universal law of change – you have to step first… then all things come.


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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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