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102 Rewire your brain and change your limiting beliefs with Michele Molitor

102 Rewire your brain and change your limiting beliefs with Michele Molitor

October 16, 201933 min read


Do you find that your limiting beliefs are holding you back? Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Are your feelings of ‘not good enough’ getting you down? Are you getting in your own way? Well then, this episode is for you! You see, it turns out that you can rewire your brain and your thinking and develop new habits and beliefs about yourself that will completely change your behaviour. AND you can do it all in 30 days!

Today I chat to Michele Molitor, a business coach and consultant who specialises in a unique technique of coaching called Rapid Rewiring, about how to get clear on what your core values are – the building blocks of what you do and why you do it; how to kick your comfort zone; how to build strong habits that keep you on track, and how to rewire your brain.

Show Notes

In this episode:

  • [02.24] We talk neuroscience and look at HOW to rewire your brain in 30 days.

  • [6.33] Without access to a coach, what can you do YOURSELF to start to rewire your brain and your thinking?

  • [9.00] What is the story that you’re telling yourself? Do you not feel ‘good enough’? How do you quantify ENOUGH?

  • [11.25] In a tug of war between your goals and your desires and a brain geared to protect you, how do you continue to push yourselves to achieve success?

  • [14.06] What about self sabotage? How do you recognize the signs? And how do you stop doing the same things over and over again?

  • [16.07] How do you stay on track?

  • [19.57] How do you say no to things that aren’t aligned to your goals?

  • [22.41] What habits and routines can you put in place?

  • [27.16] Michele talks about the importance of checking in with yourself as you move through a process, and getting clear on your WHY!

Learn more about Michele

There’s a lot to see on her website, where you can book a complimentary discovery session, or browse the Brain Candy section which has links to her eBooks ‘Saying No With Grace and Grit’ and ‘Tapping Into Your Power and Presence’, as well as a Values Assessment.

Get the FREE download to making change stick!

If you want to get my free download on how to make change stick!

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Quotes from this episode

‘Oftentimes it’s not the events that cause the pain; it’s the meanings that we’ve attached to the event that creates the long-lasting pain.’

‘Everyone, I think, falls into the trap of not feeling 'enough' in some way, shape or form.’

‘As human beings it’s our human nature to be of contribution in some way, shape or form; to bring our talents, our gifts, our expertise to bear on something that is greater than we ourselves.’

‘I can live based in fear and stay small or I can choose to step outside of my comfort zone for the sake of this bigger calling that’s pulling me forward.’

‘The truth of the matter is all we have is right now. We don’t ever know what the next moment or the next moment or tomorrow or the next year will b

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Lisa Linfield: 00:09 Hello everybody and welcome to today's episode of Working Women's Wealth. I am joined by Michele Molitor, who is a coaching consultant who has a company called Nectar Consulting and she's been coaching people in business and individuals for over 16 years now. She's also the author of a book called Breakthrough Healing and specializes in a unique technique of coaching called Rapid Rewiring. Hello Michele, and welcome to our program.
Michele Molitor: 00:50 Hey Lisa, thanks so much for having me.
Lisa Linfield: 00:53 So Michele, you have a unique tool kit that you use in your coaching called Rapid Rewiring. What is that?
Michele Molitor: 01:00 It is an amazing combination of tools actually. So I've been coaching for many, many years now and in my coaching quest, I'm a seeker, I'm a learning junkie. I'm always trying to find the better, faster way to become the best version of myself and help my clients do the same. And many years ago now I discovered the work of Marisa Peer. She's a world-renowned therapist and she's developed a process called Rapid Transformational Therapy, which is a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, neuro linguistic programming, and hypnosis.
And so I did some work with her and it was truly life-changing and profound in a matter of weeks. Things that I had been trying to get unstuck from myself for gosh, 15, 20 years were dissolved in a matter of weeks. And so I went on to get trained and certified with Marisa and had combined her work, Rapid Transformational Therapy or RTT for short, with my coaching in a 30-day program that I call Rapid Rewiring.
Lisa Linfield: 02:07 Wow, that's amazing. But it sounds a real talent for those of us who have, as you say, been struggling for a number of years to fast track ourselves and to get the best version of ourselves out there. How do you possibly rewire yourself in 30 days?
Michele Molitor: 02:24 Well, I am secretly a science geek, Lisa. And I geek out on the neuroscience of my work as a coach and how the brain works and what makes us tick. And what I've learned through my years of study is that your brain likes repetition. Right? So the more you think a thought, the more true it becomes for you. So as part of the Rapid Rewiring process, I take you through a series of steps. And the first part, which is the most important part for this rewiring, is dropping you into very relaxed state of hypnosis. And in that state, you're awake, you're able to answer the questions I'm asking you, but your critical judging mind essentially takes a back seat to your subconscious mind.
And so in this state, I'm truly able to have a conversation with your subconscious to get at those old limiting beliefs that have been tucked away in the dark corners since perhaps you were even a small child. And these beliefs that we took on, we inherited, or we absorbed from our parents or other adult figures in our lives, even our siblings, decisions we made about ourselves perhaps of, "I'm not good enough or I'm not strong enough, or I'm not pretty enough, or I'm not lovable, I'm not worthy." Whatever those stories are that we've been carrying around, they've been stashed away in your subconscious.
So through this process, I'm able to ask your subconscious what's at the root cause of this issue that's got someone blocked or stuck. And your subconscious remembers everything that's ever happened to you. So it literally will bubble up the information, the scenes, the events that have happened in your life. And we do this a couple of times, and the client is able to literally kind of connect the dots to make sense of why they have a certain behavior or an attitude that is keeping them from getting to a place of greater success and happiness. Right? So we're able to understand what's causing that and understanding is really a critical thing. Right? Because once you understand why you're doing something, then you can start to create changes.
So while still in hypnosis, then they're able to shift their understanding and thus eliminate the emotional charge around whatever that event was. Right? Because oftentimes it's not the event that causes the pain. It's the meanings that we've attached to the event that creates the long-lasting pain. So we're able to shift that change and morph it, rewrite it essentially. And then as part of that session, while they're still in hypnosis, I take all of the data that I've gathered and I roll it up into a customized monologue, if you will, for their subconscious. And I record this portion of the call and it's instilling new empowering beliefs, new thoughts, new patterns of behavior. Right? And then I give that recording to them. I mix in some binaural beat music, and then their homework is to listen to it every day for three to four weeks as we go through the rest of our coaching over a 30-day period.
So they're listening to this recording every night as they're going to sleep, which their subconscious is always listening, so it's absorbing in these new messages. Right? So every time you think a thought, the stronger it becomes for you. So if you've been telling yourself for X number of years, "I'm not good enough, or I'm not lovable, or I'm not worthy," that has a strong synaptic connection, a neural pathway in your brain. But with this recording where you're overriding that, rewiring it by replacing it with, "I am lovable, I am worthy, I am enough," Whatever the story is that they've been carrying around. Right? And so the more you listen to it, the stronger those new synaptic connections become. So over a period of 30 days or 90 days, you literally will develop new habits and new beliefs about yourself, which then changes the behaviors out there in the world.
Lisa Linfield: 06:30 That's amazing. It really is kind of step change. Now, if we don't have access to someone like yourself, are there things that each of us can do, habits that we can develop in our everyday life, or things we should be aware of that will help us, I guess, a bit more slowly to start rewiring our brain and our thinking?
Michele Molitor: 06:51 Absolutely. The first and most important thing is noticing what is the story that you're telling yourself. If you have a predominant set of thoughts that you're saying to yourself that are not empowering you, they're not lifting you up and cheering you on, then start to change the story. Start to change the monologue that's running in your head. Right?
There's a part of your brain called the amygdala, and your amygdala is your fight or flight mechanism in your brain. I like to call her Amy. Amy's your amygdala, and she's a little lizard lady, right, who lives in your limbic brain, and her sole job is to keep you alive and on the planet. And so if Amy thinks that doing something or being somebody in a particular way is detrimental to your wellbeing, she'll be like, "No girl, we are not doing that." Right? And so Amy will come up with all sorts of stories to prevent you from moving beyond the edge of your comfort zone. Right? Because beyond the edge of your comfort zone is scary and it's unknown, and a lot of people don't like to go there. Right? So Amy will keep you safe inside of your comfort zone, but oftentimes it's to your detriment. Right?
So noticing that story that you're telling yourself and then replacing it with something that's more empowering. So the most common thing that I found is simply people believing that they're not enough. They're not good enough in some way, shape or form. And so to help shift that, you can simply start telling yourself, "I am enough." You can write it on sticky notes, you can put it on your mirror when you brush your teeth in the morning, you can put it on your computer, you can write it on your hand. Right? Whatever it is. But tell yourself throughout the day, "I am enough. I am enough." And the more you tell yourself, the more you'll actually start to believe it. And then one day you'd be like, "Well, hell yes, I'm enough. Why did I ever think that I wasn't enough?" And that shift enhances your confidence and enables you to step out into the world in a bigger, bolder way.
Lisa Linfield: 09:00 It's such an interesting concept, the one of enough, because when I did a whole series of discussions with my financial clients, the biggest word that came up when it came to money. So I did a word card in terms of the words that people used and the computer analyzes it. And this enormous word in the middle of the word card was the word 'enough'.
Michele Molitor: 09:23 Yes. It's a very popular theme song.
Lisa Linfield: 09:27 And it's such an interesting assumption because it's assumes that inside each of us we have a benchmark of what enough looks like. And one of the challenges is I don't think any of us would ever get to a stage where we thought we had enough. I find it with retirement clients who already do definitely have enough, they don't think they have enough.
Michele Molitor: 09:49 Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Lisa Linfield: 09:50 And when you were a student, the amount that you thought was enough is probably a fraction, 10% of what you think is enough once you have children. Because the more money we have, the more we need essentially.
Michele Molitor: 10:03 Exactly.
Lisa Linfield: 10:03 So this concept of enough is a real trance because we have this builtin line in our heads of what enough is. But I don't think many of us would be able to quantify either the attributes of enough if you talk about it from a human perspective or the actual money have enough when you talk about it from a finance perspective.
Michele Molitor: 10:24 And I completely agree. I've had the same kind of conversations with my clients, whether it's about money or love or health or wellbeing, it's all in your perspective and your perspective is based on your particular life circumstances, your upbringing, the messages that you gathered, you picked up from family and friends and the circumstances in your lives. Right?
So I've worked with people from all over the world, Lisa and the same thing, "Oh, I only have $6 million in the bank. That's not enough." Right? Or, "I don't work. I have all the money that I could possibly need and yet I'm still anxious because I don't feel enough." Right? So it doesn't have a particular face to it. Everyone, I think, fall into the trap of not feeling enough in some way, shape or form. I know I certainly did for many, many years and this work that I did with Marisa Peer absolutely transformed my life. Absolutely.
Lisa Linfield: 11:25 So how do we make sure that we are able to continue to push ourselves to be more successful, to achieve the success that we desire when by nature it requires us to grow beyond our comfort zone? Because if we were totally comfortable right now and totally happy, then we wouldn't want to be achieving more either in our work or in our personal lives or whatever it is. But the sense of growth, the sense of more achievement or more success, or building a business or building a career, or building ourselves as a human being, or whatever it is, requires us to move out of our comfort zone. But as you said, the amygdala's job is to keep us safe and in that comfort zone.
So what do we do when we have almost this tug of war in our brains between goals and desires that we come to versus a brain set up to keep us and protect us and make sure that we're safe in our comfort zone?
Michele Molitor: 12:26 That's a great question, Lisa. And I see this every day with my clients, right? So what I found over my nearly 18 years now of coaching is that we all have a desire to be seen and heard and feel valued in the world as human beings. It's our human nature to be of contribution in some way, shape or form to bring our talents, our gifts, our expertise to bear on something that is greater than ourselves. And that pulls us forward.
And so I found that when someone can get clear on what those core values are, those core drivers that are like water and air that they cannot live without in their life, that are the building blocks of what they do in the world and why they do it, when they're clear on that from there, it's easier to see what are the goals that are pulling you forward, that are calling you to be of service in some way, shape or form. And it's that higher calling that pulls us, that lures us outside of our comfort zone for the sake of something bigger than ourselves.
So when Amy, your amygdala gets up in arms like, "Oh, don't do that. Where are you going? What are you thinking?" Right? You get to be in charge of your own mind, your own life and your destiny and go, "Well, I can live based in fear and stay small, or I can choose to step outside of my comfort zone for the sake of this bigger calling that's pulling me forward." And as you do that, as you step outside of your comfort zone, it naturally expands, and then it's hard to shrink it back to where it was.
Lisa Linfield: 14:07 But one of the challenges is sometimes we're not actually aware that we're stopping ourselves from achieving the very things we want to do. We call it self-sabotage. How do we become aware and be gentle and graceful enough with ourselves to actually realize that it is this need to protect ourselves, that keeps us safe and happy in our comfort zone?
Michele Molitor: 14:30 And so the way to recognize if you're self-sabotaging is if you find yourself in a continual repetitive pattern. Right? So, for example, I had a client who came to me and said, "You know, I really want to grow my business, but every time I get close to the $100,000 mark, I sabotage myself, and then I have a huge flare up of inflammatory bowel syndrome. And then I shrink back." And I was like, "Okay, well, how about we get rid of the IBS and help you expand your business?" She's like, "Oh, that'd be a great idea." Right?
And so through this process, what we realized was she had some very, very deeply seated fears in her subconscious that had her be fearful of having too much power, of having too much success, interestingly enough. And that fear is what kept triggering her IBS. So the deep-seated fears created the physical reactions in her body, which were holding her back and had been a challenge for her for 15 plus years. And so when we were able to eliminate the deeper subconscious fears, her IBS went away completely and her business started to thrive at a much higher level.
So noticing the pattern that you got yourself caught in, whether it's a thinking pattern or a pattern of behaviors, that's the first step to noticing, " Oh wow, I think I'm sabotaging myself because I keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results."
Lisa Linfield: 16:07 And how do we end up making sure that we stay on track with these commitments and with these insights? So many of us start off well and we have great intentions, but then life gets busy and stuff happens and we do find ourselves like, yes, back where we started with a new resolution to try harder. Is that going to work?
Michele Molitor: 16:28 Well, resolutions are tricky things, right? You make a commitment to yourself, "Yes, I'm going to do this." I call them sparkly bits. Those ideas that are very alluring like, "Oh, I'm going to go do this thing and I'm so excited about it. Oh look, there's another one. Let me go chase after that one for a hot minute." Right? And so part of it is writing it down, committing to doing it, but then also having others outside of you to hold you accountable to it. Right? So whether it's a business partner, a friend, or even a coach, right, who says, "Okay, how are you doing on that this week? Have you taken the steps forward?" "No, I haven't." "Okay, so what's in the way of you taking the steps forward?" "Well, ha-ha, ha-ha, you know," hum and haw, whatever that might be for folks. And so having someone outside of yourself who can help you see A, your blind spots and continue to encourage you to move forward is really, really helpful.
Lisa Linfield: 17:28 It is, and it's one of the things that I've come to work out about myself is that if I ever want to achieve something, I have to invest the money essentially to hold myself accountable. It sounds quite ridiculous because I have an enormous capacity to do things and to achieve and to accomplish my goals. And everyone always looks at me and says, "Well, why would you need to invest the money?" And I keep saying, "Well, it's a bit of a circular loop because I know that there are certain things in my business that I need to achieve and I know that I struggle with them." So for example, something like PR is something I struggle significantly with because the whole fact of promoting myself and doing it myself, it's a real challenge for me.
So I then did a PR course and I invested in a PR coach who cost a lot of money, but it forced me to put myself out there because if I'm going to invest the money I'm going to do it. And I keep saying to everybody, if there really is something you want to do in your life, you need to invest in your personal development because without it, none of us hold ourselves accountable as much as we think that we can all self achieve and deliver and all of this stuff. The minute we actually commit externally, then we manage to find a way to get it done.
And I always say you take the example of studying. People say, "How do you achieve a degree whilst you're working full-time and all of this stuff." And I always say, "Well, because I committed to it and because there was an exam schedule that I knew that I had to pass." So I made the time and I made the sacrifice and I did it.
Michele Molitor: 19:02 Absolutely. Having some skin in the game is vital.
Lisa Linfield: 19:07 Right.
Michele Molitor: 19:07 Another way that I found to be helpful for myself because I'm an idea generator. I'm like, "Oh, I'm going to make this, I'm going to make that," and, "Oh, I'm going to build this, I'm going to build that." Right? And so I found that if I tell other people like, "Hey, this is what I'm doing, I'm making this, I'm creating this. Stay tuned, keep asking me about it." That is another way of holding myself accountable to getting stuff done, because now I've put it out there, I've told people, they're expecting it. So like, "Oh, okay, I don't want to let anybody down so I better get on it." And having other people in the process to help with the building of whatever it is, is really, really important. So there's a lot of little tricks that you can do for sure to help get out of your own way.
Lisa Linfield: 19:56 Absolutely. Now, one of the big problems that many of us have is that we agreed to do things that in actual fact aren't aligned with our goals and objectives, either at work where we take on someone else's, my dad always used to call them 'taking on someone else's monkeys.' It's amazing that if you're a doer and an achiever at work, often you will end up taking over someone else's portfolio of work so that you can make sure that you get it done or people will just lump it on you anyway.
How do we make sure that we are able to say no and to protect the objectives we have set ourselves? Obviously within reason. We've all got to kind of contribute and play our part, but there's often the case where we will take on things that aren't aligned with our objectives.
Michele Molitor: 20:46 I get that. That's a very common challenge for a lot of people. They take on too much. They are people-pleasers and so they want to make everyone else happy, but they throw themselves under the bus in the process because then they're overwhelmed, they're exhausted, and then they can't do what they need to do in other areas of their lives. Right? Particularly common for women who take care of the family and cook and clean and have full-time jobs, so on and so on and so on.
So one of the things that's really important, and I touched on this a little earlier, is those core values that I spoke about. When you're really clear on what's really important for you, Lisa, then it's much easier to say no with grace and grit. Like, "Thank you for thinking of me. However, I don't have the bandwidth right now to be able to do that fully in the manner in which I would like to be able to do it and to meet the high standards that you have on X, Y, Z." Right?
Understanding what your limits are, right? Understanding what you do want to have in your life and what you don't want to have in your life. Understanding these things about yourself, which takes some time and some self-reflection is absolutely key because then it's much easier to see the forest for the trees and say, "Oh gosh, yes, this is in alignment with my values. This is in alignment with the work that I'm up to in the world." Or, "No, this is too far off center and I'm going to have to say no to it."
Lisa Linfield: 22:18 And when we look at those things, you were saying you've got to be quite clear on what your values are and I suppose stick with them. When I look at that, the thing that springs to mind is this whole thing of in actual fact we all what we do routinely and we embody what we think and believe routinely.
What are the habits or routines that you suggest people put in place daily, weekly, or monthly in order to make sure that we can embody it to such a degree that when that boss asks us for something or a client or anyone suddenly asks us for something, we can instinctively process it as being against our boundaries or a value system?
Michele Molitor: 23:06 And that's a great question, Lisa. Building these strong habits of knowing who you are, knowing what your work is in the world and what those boundaries are is always a work in progress, because as human beings we're always learning and growing and evolving. So taking time to have that self-reflection of, "What is important to me and what is less important to me? What are actually the drivers that are moving me forward in the world?" And if need be, putting them on your desk, having them up in front of you, these core drivers are the things that help you move through the world and keep your family safe, make you happy. They fill up your bucket.
And so understanding that is key, but then also listening to your intuition. We all have intuition, but allowing yourself to hear it and to be guided by it is a whole another level. It took me a long time to learn this. I've always been very, very intuitive and very empathic, but it was kind of teased out of me at a young age until I became a coach and I realized, "Oh, that's actually my intuition. That's actually a gift." It's a tool that I have to listen to my body to trust it when I'm moving towards something and my stomach starts to turn and I was like, "Hmm, okay, maybe that's not the best path for me." So really trusting your intuition is another thing.
And when you understand the parts of yourself, of what you love to do, what fills you up, what pulls you forward, it's also easier to identify the parts that feel really heavy or overwhelming that can be overwhelming in different ways. And so it's just important to take time to, whether you're meditating on a daily basis or going out into nature, but just spending time with yourself and getting to know yourself and love yourself are some really important things to help you combat the overwhelm that can happen in the workaday world. Right? Especially when a boss is coming at you.
Lisa Linfield: 25:22 And I think what you mentioned about intuition is really important. There are oftentimes where you set yourself goals and you get down the path, but when those things come to fruition, there's a feeling inside your tummy that tells you that this is the wrong path. An example last year was that I had said to myself to grow my business through buying other businesses. And whilst that felt like the exact correct strategy and I had worked very, very hard, I had been working with five different people so that I would be able to pull off at least one of the acquisitions. And this deal started progressing. And from the time I had set myself the goal to the time that the actual deal came onto the table was about 16 months.
And what ended up happening is that I had been working on that so closely that I hadn't stepped back and realized that in actual fact, my business had moved on significantly from a complete startup to a business that actually if I was to absorb this new company, it would have entirely sunk me. And I had this feeling in my stomach and I found it extremely difficult to listen to it, because my brain kept saying, "But you've been working on this for so long and the spreadsheets says it's going to be fantastic." And all of these other logical arguments.
But in the end with the help of a coach, I ended up walking away from the deal and it was very, very tough because I'm built to grow. I'm built to scale. I'm built as a person who likes the challenge of slaying the dragons. And so to walk away from it was a very difficult thing. But I did it. And as strange and as weird and as crazy as the whole thing felt to me and to my husband, it has been the best decision I ever made.
Michele Molitor: 27:12 Yes. And so you bring up a really, really great point, Lisa, is checking in with yourself as you move through a process is key. Like, is this still on track or is it off center? Is this still on track or is it off center? And I get this. You're working towards a goal, you're working towards a goal and sometimes it becomes just about completing the goal and quote 'winning'. Right? But if the quote 'winning' of the goal actually doesn't serve the purpose of the bigger picture, then it's not a win. And then it takes you down a whole different rabbit hole that you didn't really need to go down in the first place.
So continuing to tune into your intuition regularly and noticing what it's trying to tell you is absolutely important. Because I've found that the universe is happy to provide us with lessons, right? With opportunities for growth and learning. And when you get clear on what you really, really want, it's as if the universe provides different opportunities. Like, "Well, you're sure you don't want this one? It's kind of close, but it's not really what you said you want. But let me just dangle it here in front of you and see if you take it." Right? So the idea is to get really clear on what's the end goal for the sake of what? For the sake of what did you want to grow your business in that way? And ultimately if the greater compelling why behind your business has shifted and that goal that you're heading towards isn't really meeting that, then it's time to reevaluate the goals.
Lisa Linfield: 28:44 Absolutely. And I think there are two hugely important times in your life when one should continuously ask yourself the one simple question, "What are my assumptions?" And those two times is either when you're completely stagnant or comfortable, or secondly when you're going through a huge amount of growth. Because sometimes you come out on the other end of going through a huge growth period, either disappointingly or just a lot of change and it changes you as a human. And life before that and life after that, your assumptions could be completely different. And so you have to recheck that what you're assuming will bring you, as you said, the end goal. The war is you're not fighting a battle that no longer serves that war.
Michele Molitor: 29:29 Exactly. The truth of the matter is all we have is right now. We don't ever know what the next moment or the next moment or tomorrow or the next year will bring because everything can change in a blink of an eye. And so we set forth on a path of what we think is calling us forward, but being able to dodge and weave and go with the flow and adapt along the path is absolutely critical. I found that if we hold ourselves too rigid to a path, then that just creates more stress, intention and perhaps pain along the way.
Lisa Linfield: 30:08 Absolutely. And as you had mentioned about people who have an enormous amount of money but still aren't happy, is to ask ourselves the question of, "What does reaching the end of this path, what does winning the war, what does it feel like?" And to describe what it feels like so vividly that you actually go more towards the feeling than the physical goal sometimes.
Michele Molitor: 30:31 Yes, absolutely. Because if we come back to the neuroscience of it, right, your mind only responds to two things. The pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself and the feelings that you feel about those things, right? So if you're seeing yourself sitting on a pile of money, right, $100 million or living in a beautiful house or traveling the world, whatever that is, but if it doesn't feel right or if it doesn't feel in alignment in some way, shape or form, then that misalignment, that non-alignment will prevent it from showing up.
So getting clear on the greater why, why do you need this? Why do you want this? For the sake of what? How do you want to apply it? And then how will it feel when you achieve those things? And really allowing yourself, your body to feel those feelings and act as if it's already happened, and that helps to create a higher vibration in your energy levels, which then creates a different kind of magnetism to you.
Lisa Linfield: 31:36 Absolutely. So Michele, we've covered so much and there's still so much to cover. How would our listeners get hold of you if they wanted to learn more or even to book a session with you to go through the Rapid Rewiring process? How would they get hold of you?
Michele Molitor: 31:51 Well, folks can always find me at my website, N-E-C-T-A-R You can learn more about my work there. You can book a complimentary discovery session. We can take 30 minutes to have a chat over Zoom over the internet and you can tell me more about what you're challenged with and what you'd like to shift or change in your life. But I also encourage folks to go to the Brain Candy section of my website. It's chock-full of free resources. I have two eBooks out there that have Guided Transformation recordings as well that go with them, Saying No With Grace and Grit and Standing In Your Power and Presence. And check them out, listen to them. There's all sorts of free goodies. There's even a values assessment out there on my website as well in the Brain Candy section. So dive in, route around, sit and have a read for a while.
Lisa Linfield: 32:47 That'd be wonderful. Thank you so much for your time, Michele.
Michele Molitor: 32:51 It's been a joy, Lisa. Thank you so much for having me.
Lisa Linfield: 32:54 That was Michele Molitor. And it really does keep amazing me how it comes down to the fact that this brain of ours is structured over centuries and millions of years to keep us safe. And how our biggest challenge and our journey is to really listen to that deep calling inside us, that calling of greatness and to face that fear. And I love that Susan Jeffers book, just the title of it, which says Feel the Fear but Do it Anyway. And that's the key secret is because we are absolutely wired to stay safe, but our best life doesn't live in our safety zone. It lives in us being brave, in us being brave in order to be free.
So for all of you out there, I hope that this is a week where you'll start to step into being brave and truly know that we all feel fear. We all would choose in our deepest self to stay comfortable, but that the learning, the growth, the success, the thriving, the existential actualization actually sits with stepping outside that comfort zone and doing it, giving ourselves to that higher calling.
So if any of you are wanting to just think more about change and how you make it stick, to live your best life, I have a free ebook and download on my learnings in the last 100 episodes on the best practices on Making Change Stick. So go off to the website and download it and I'll see you next week. I'm Lisa Linfield and this is Working Women's Wealth.

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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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