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203 Three things you CAN do for your wealth

203 Three things you CAN do for your wealth

November 24, 20213 min read


Are you able to choose what you do with your time? If you work, where you work, when you work, with whom you work?

Financial freedom gives you those choices. In today's episode I talk about the three things you CAN do to grow your wealth and get financially free!

Show Notes

[00.37] A recovering perfectionist

[03.31] Three things you need to be wealthy...

[09.06] Time

[13.50] Mindset

[18.58] The amount you choose to save

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"When it comes to money it comes down to worth it. And then secondly, how badly do you want it?" - Lisa Linfield

"An investment generates income." - Lisa Linfield

"When it's worth it, spend the money. When it's not, don't." - Lisa LInfield


203 - 3 things you CAN do for your wealth

        Financially Free

-      CHOOSE

-      IF you work, where you work, when you work, and with whom you work.

-      I was lucky enough to have two things happen at roughly the same time… enough money to stop working and found my passion – goal to teach a million women about money. 

-      My business – I don’t work with clients I don’t like.  I can attend all my girls’ events… and we even had the freedom to choose to move to Hilton to be with our girls when Jess chose to come to St. Anne’s

-      That’s freedom.  No yucky bosses… doing work you love and only with people you choose to be with.

        Graph of compound interest

-      You all know about this… it’s compound interest graph right?  It’s actually should be renamed the graph of wealth.

-      What are the factors that determine how high that number is… how wealthy you are?

-      Time, Interest rate, Amount

-      Well that’s all technically correct, but my formula for wealth is Time, Choice and Amount

-      The only thing I will say about Interest rate is that you cannot Save your way to financial freedom

-      Work 40 years from 20-60…. Live 40 years from 60-100.  Technically you’d need to save half of all you earn.  You HAVE to invest


  1. Time

-      Here’s the problem I always had with the whole time thing… in your 20s you don’t earn that much money.  Sure, when you’ve climbed the corporate ladder and you’re CEO in your late 40s… but in your 20s, you struggle to have enough money just to live and pay for your rent let alone invest right?

-      Pie Chart of source of wealth

-      62% comes from my 20s…

2.     Mindset

·        Worth It

·        How badly do you want it?

3.     Amount

-      Last week – Save tomorrow, tomorrow

-      Time view of it.


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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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