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237 The Crypto Mom with Kendra Cole

237 The Crypto Mom with Kendra Cole

February 08, 20232 min read


Have you wanted to learn more about Crypto but simply not known quite where to begin? Kendra Cole had the same problem in lockdown where she battled to invest just $20 in Bitcoin!

Her struggle resulted in her building an App called The Crypto Mom.

In this week’s episode she opens up about where it all began, the safety of Crypto Currency and the investing gender gap.

Show notes:

  • [01.57] Getting into Crypto Currency

  • [03.58] What is Crypto, and why should you invest in it?

  • [07.00] Crypto as a part of your larger wealth-building journey

  • [08.25] The safety of investing in Crypto Currency

  • [10.08] Supply and demand

  • [12.51] The App as an entry point for investing

  • [13.44] The gender gap

  • [16.09] Educating yourself about Crypto

  • [16.59] The journey to build an App

  • [19.44] Working with your spouse

  • [21.11] Learning to invest in yourself

Learn more about Kendra

Sign up for the App Waitlist on Kendra's website. Alternatively find her on Instagram or TikTok.

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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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