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152 Creating and protecting your intellectual property with Kelley Keller

152 Creating and protecting your intellectual property with Kelley Keller

September 30, 20203 min read


Armed with YOUR lifetime of experience, are you tempted to make a business from your knowledge? There is no better time than now, and once you know how to protect your intellectual property you won’t have to worry about people stealing your ideas!

In today’s episode, intellectual property lawyer Kelley Keller talks about how to take what you know and monetise it, at which point you should legally protect your intellectual property, how to do it yourself, and when to seek expert assistance.

Show Notes

  • [01.03] Using categories of intellectual property law to help identify how you could monetise what you KNOW.

  • [03.32] Ways that you can process HOW you do what comes naturally to you.

  • [05.44] Your Superpower - an exercise.

  • [06.22] The magic word – it’s all in the HOW!

  • [08.03] Different approaches to monetisation.

  • [12.13] The point at which what you know becomes intellectual property.

  • [13.23] The three criteria for your creation that would make copyright legally enforceable, as well as the value of registering your work.

  • [16.42] A breakdown of how you can go about protecting your intellectual property.

  • [21.00] Your intellectual property - a three-part test to determine whether to legally protect it.

  • [25.33] Protecting your intellectual property yourself, and when to seek expert assistance.

Learn more about Kelley

To connect with Kelley, schedule a complimentary 15 minutes consultation with her via her website, or email her directly at [email protected].

For more information on the subject, check out Kelley’s intellectual property blog, and her podcast.

Links mentioned in this episode

Kelley’s blog posts on demystifying trademark and copyright symbols.

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    “One of the challenges is that most of us don’t know how we do what we do.” – Lisa Linfield

    “Information is free, but education is not. Because information informs, and education transforms.” – Kelley Keller

    “People pay for transformation and not information.” – Kelley Keller

    “Your knowledge is either going to be organized as a journey or as an ongoing process.” – Kelley Keller

    “For most people, they need education and some practical guidance before they actually need a lawyer.” – Kelley Keller

    “On your own you can develop what we call just good best practices.” – Kelley Keller

    “Good fences make good neighbours.” – Kelley Keller

    “Lawyers understand the law that gave you the intellectual property right in the first place, and they can give you a strategy and make sure that you’re protecting your stuff in the right way.” – Kelley Keller

Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastBusiness Ownerentrrepreneurshipearn extra incomehealth and wealthprotecting your moneycopy rightprotecting you intellectual propertyintellectual property knowledge businesslegal advicemonetismside hustle
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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