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239 The humbling discovery that's shifting my focus

242 Why God isn't answering your prayers

May 24, 20237 min read


Despite consistent, sincere and devout prayer, do you sometimes feel like God isn't listening? And when it feels like he isn't answering your prayers, do you ask yourself why?

With a modern-day parable, I'd like to share a profound discovery I made this weekend. Perhaps you can relate it to your own life and ultimately learn how to move past your comfort zone in order to do God's work.

Show Notes

  • [02.30] A modern day parable

  • [08.50] Seeking God and finding an answer

  • [10.08] Looking inwards

  • [11.16] Scoring yourself on God’s checklist

  • [14.10] The real challenges of this Christian walk

  • [15.49] Realising your calling

  • [18.03] It’s all about the AND, not the OR


"The real challenge of this Christian walk is that, like most things in life, it's an onion, that God continues to peel back, layer after layer. Just as you THINK you've grasped the whole thing, God starts to challenge you on another topic." - Lisa Linfield

"So I hope that like me, you will pray for God to permanently change your heart so that I serve the poor and oppressed. Not out of guilt, not out of selfish motive, but out of a heart that seeks to do God's will, to serve his humans here and now" - Lisa Linfield

"I deeply do believe that each one of us is called in different ways. And the real challenge in life is to act in the way you're called, to really honour that call, and give 100% of yourself in that call." - Lisa Linfield

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All of us want God to answer our prayers - preferably exactly in line with what we ask for right? And most of what we ask for isn't Father Christmas stuff - but good stuff… help when we're desperate, good things for our kids and family, and maybe every now and then to help us out of a tough situation, right?

And we try so hard to walk closely with him, to do his will... we're not bad people and we are trying our best.

Yet it seems his answers sometimes don't come... and at best that's frustrating, and at worst, it leaves us wondering sometimes whether this God of ours is at best disinterested, and at worst, in our moments of deep frustration, not there or mean.

I made a profound discovery this weekend, which I want to share with you, as we walk this journey of following God together.

A modern day parable

I'm going to start with a modern day parable... and I want you to see if you can relate it to your own life.

Last week I was asked to consult to a church in the Midlands.

When I arrived, I was met by the Pastor, Bob, and his senior team. It was a freezing cold day, but blue skies. As we made coffee and covered the pleasantries of the beautiful car trip to get there and what everyone did on the weekend, I couldn't help but wonder what issues such a nice group of christians could possible have that I could be of any service to them.

As we huddled in one of the comfy chair meeting rooms with the heater taking pride of place in the middle, they started to open up.

They deeply wanted to love and serve God. The senior team and the congregation faithfully met every Sunday, and most of the church attended a mid-week prayer meeting or small group session. In fact, only 5% of the members weren't either attending a small group or the prayer group.

As I heard this, I thought to myself - gosh, that's quite incredible - and quickly dismissed such high attendance as either something that was overstated ... or reflective of the fact that this church was in the middle of the farmlands and there must be no other entertainment or happenings!... quickly slapping myself mentally for being so disrespectful.

Pastor Bob went on to tell me that their services were lively, their congregation engaged, and they had 82% turnout at the annual church retreat at the end of last month. One of the elders stepped in and said they had a powerful experience on camp where Pastor Bob had led the most amazing worship and his sermon had deeply convicted the congregants of their sin. It was truly humbling and they had all dropped to their knees - and they had all spent the morning confessing their sins and humbly asking God to forgive them.

The worship team leader then stepped in and began describing how they went about seeking God for each decision they made. Before they did the strategy and budget for the following year, they spent the week before praying and fasting, seeking God and the congregations guidance on their 5 year and 3 year vision, and his guidance on how they use the resources given to them. They tie this in with each member following a similar planning process for their own lives, urging all to follow this deep seeking of God personally and corporately.

I have to confess, it sounded like the most amazing church to be in. As they told of active youth and kids clubs, a strong anchoring in biblical teaching, the great worship they had and the dedication of their congregation, all of which was backed up with stunning video clips they showed me, not only did I struggle to see what was wrong, I wanted to pack my sarmies and join their church - convincing myself that the hour drive would definitely be been worth it.

When they paused, I then ventured out quite nervously to ask them why they had asked me to come and consult with them… my nervousness stemming from the fact that I was used to working with churches and organisations that were broken in some area… and my skill is in problem solving - and so far I couldn't see any problems to solve.

As I asked the question, they all seemed to look rather bewilderedly at each other, and eventually Bob spoke up.

"We do what is right, we follow God's commands, and we seek his will day in and day out... and we are desperate for him to draw near to us. But it seems God has forgotten us, that we are speaking to fresh air. That he has withdrawn his hand of support."

My heart just broke as I listened to them. These were good people, actively seeking God, trying to do what was right. I have to confess, I was stumped. And it's not often that happens. God usually enables me to see so quickly the lay of the problem, the obvious gaps in someone's story, and the motivations of their heart... so finding a way forward is just a process of fillign those gaps.

But not today. I truly had absolutely nothing on the tip of my tongue. I was speechless, and that is such a rare thing that I can't tell you when last that happened.

So I left - promising I would return in a week after I had sought God.

Lisa LinfieldChristian MoneyPodcastBusiness OwnerEntrepreneurFaithFaith based moneyBraveBrave to ChangeDeep Grooves
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Lisa Linfield

Lisa Linfield is on a God-given mission to free 1 million women from the weight and stress of money. She's a CFP, founder of a wealth management business, and podcast host of Working Women's Wealth

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