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working women's wealth

Giving Children the 8th wonder of the world

TFSA's for kids... By the time your child is 20, they would have over R1m in today's money (nice 21st present), and by the time they are 60, you could give them a monthly income of R137,217 in today's... ...more

Invest ,Family Money

January 15, 20242 min read

Giving Children the 8th wonder of the world

247 Why budgets don't work... and what does

Does life these days seem to be a never-ending list of bills to pay? With our stress levels rising more and more, it's time to look at the REAL reasons we do what we do... Budgets don't work... but I... ...more

Budget ,Family Money

August 30, 202316 min read

247 Why budgets don't work... and what does

241 - Live WELLthy with Dawn Dahlby

Do you settle for OK rather than rock the boat and make the hard decisions that could change your life? An easier course of action may seem painless in the short term, but hard choices lead to an easy... ...more

Invest ,Family Money &Interviews

May 05, 20232 min read

241 - Live WELLthy with Dawn Dahlby

240 Four steps to changing your money that will change your life

Despite your best attempts to get financially free, is your money STILL out of your control? Chatting to clients this week, I’ve come to believe that if you can take these four steps to change your ... ...more

Money Mindset ,Family Money &Faith

March 27, 202317 min read

240 Four steps to changing your money that will change your life

220 The money conversation with your parents you have to have

Are your parents feeling weighed down by the invisible pressure to leave you an inheritance? If so, it's time for you to free them from that burden. You see, the rules of the game have changed, and i... ...more

Invest ,Family Money

August 10, 202210 min read

220 The money conversation with your parents you have to have

212 The myth men believe and women perpetuate

Do you find that with the passing of time, you've become happier in your skin? Less concerned about what others think of you? It's one of the joys of growing up. Yet despite that marvel of aging, the... ...more

Money Mindset ,Business Owner Employed &Family Money

March 23, 202213 min read

212 The myth men believe and women perpetuate

211 Creating the power to choose

What do YOU think the best thing is about being financially free? I'm willing to guess that it's not really what you think it is... It's even better! Imagine if you could choose: how you spend your t... ...more

Business Owner ,Side Hustle Invest Transitions Employed &Family Money

March 09, 20229 min read

211 Creating the power to choose

203 Three things you CAN do for your wealth

Are you able to choose what you do with your time? If you work, where you work, when you work, with whom you work? Financial freedom gives you those choices. In today's episode I talk about the three... ...more

Money Mindset ,Invest &Family Money

November 24, 20213 min read

203 Three things you CAN do for your wealth

199 How to reframe your money beliefs

Do you catch yourself telling your children the same disempowering statements about money that your parents taught (or modelled for) you? Then it might be time to reframe your money beliefs. In our h... ...more

Money Mindset ,Business Owner &Family Money

September 01, 202110 min read

199 How to reframe your money beliefs

193 Reflections from inside a riot zone

Has the chaos of the world around you driven you into survival mode? Here are some reflections from inside a riot zone that may come in handy… It’s like Maslow says, when your survival (but more impo... ...more

Money Mindset ,Family Money

July 21, 202122 min read

193 Reflections from inside a riot zone

187 The modern fable you have GOT to listen to!

Is your company taking enough money for your retirement? If your head is buried in the sand and you aren’t 100% sure of the numbers, then this is a modern fable you have GOT to listen to! Most people... ...more

Invest ,Transitions &Family Money

June 09, 202114 min read

187 The modern fable you have GOT to listen to!

185 How you should structure your investments in a marriage

Is your current investment strategy designed to make your retirement as tax efficient as possible? Understanding how tax works when you’re retired is only ONE of the factors to consider when structuri... ...more

Money Mindset ,Invest &Family Money

May 26, 202111 min read

185 How you should structure your investments in a marriage
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